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Emerging 2018 Technologies?

Athena @ ST 9 January 2018

Happy New Year. Following on from the last Trend Alert in 2017 that focused on computing, Athena finds that technological change dominates pundits and experts’ forecasts for 2018. Read on to discover where they see what’s coming next and join the party or take mitigating action before its too late.
What is changing?


Sentiment analysis
Sentiment towards new technologies is neutral but the latest batch of year-end predictions contained many expressing long held fears about where AI, sensors, robots and computing may lead to in the future. We are likely to see a return to neutral sentiment in the months ahead judging by past years’ analysis.

The changes above are likely to be adopted into generally accepted practice from 2029 onwards.

Topic map
We recommend you further explore the topics forecasts below at Shaping Tomorrow to gain further foresight on how emerging technologies may impact your organization in the future.

Heat map
Emerging technologies will be most felt in North America, China, India and Australia in 2018. 

Work on emerging technologies has moved to centre stage in the last year for almost every sector. If your not digitizing your competitors are!

Radar chart
This new graphic shows that Education, Transport, Healthcare and Real Estate are the sectors most likely to witness disruption by emerging technologies in the next year. They may not be high in the previous chart but they are ripe for the greatest transformation and disruption.

The key topic areas highlight the development of new technologies which will cause the revaluation and resetting of business models, strategies and policies from most organizations in 2018 and beyond. In fact, Athena’s analysis of the biggest mega-trends right now shows re-organization is number one which is not on most observers lists!
We recommend you explore the topics in more detail at Shaping Tomorrow to mitigate threats to your organization and to seize upcoming opportunities.

a) Emerging topics

b) Most affected sectors
By 2020 we can expect to see the most disruptive computing changes in construction (smart cities, transport and materials), retail (Amazon), and the security sectors (cybersecurity).

