
Global Scans · Gender Equality · Weekly Summary

In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.

  • [New] While the gender gap has been closing at 0.035% per year over the past two decades, achieving economic gender parity by 2030 requires a yearly change rate of 41%, which is a goal that technology can help reach. Engineering News
  • [New] Labour is pushing ahead with its plans to ban conversion therapy, despite fears that outlawing the practice, which attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, would risk criminalising parents who try to help children who think they are trans. The Telegraph
  • An estimated 6.7 million people are at risk of gender-based violence in Sudan, with displaced, refugee and migrant women and girls particularly vulnerable. Capital Ethiopia Newspaper
  • The threat of sexual and gender-based violence is a dark shadow that follows women, girls, and LGBT people in Myanmar. ReliefWeb
  • Action to address the key risk factors for both child health and for the broader population, as well as other social determinants of health (eg, access to education, overcoming gender inequality, and environmental sustainability) will be important to improving the health of Nigerians. PubMed Central (PMC)
  • The EU, as co-leader of the Generation Equality Forum's Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence, will continue its efforts to curb gender-based violence, including sexual violence, throughout the world, including in conflict and emergencies. Representation in Malta
  • An OECD estimate reveals that gender-based discrimination in social institutions could cost $12 trillion for the global economy, and that a reduction in gender discrimination can increase the rate of growth of GDP. The Indian Express
  • There are 13 risk themes in 2024, plus three trend spotlights: insurance fairness: challenge and opportunity; next-generation nuclear; and FemTech: bridging the gender gap in healthcare. Insurance News
  • Labour force participation rates across gender and education reflect limited economic opportunities, with access especially constrained for women and youth. IMF eLibrary
  • The EU will condemn the systematic human rights violations and abuses in Afghanistan, particularly gender-based discrimination by the Taliban against women and girls. EEAS
  • Given the patriarchal nature of North Korean society, traditional gender roles are deeply ingrained in North Korean society, with women expected to prioritize family and domestic duties over personal or professional ambitions. The Diplomat
  • Refugees, particularly women and girls, face a heightened risk of experiencing protection violations, including gender-based violence, the UN reports. ReliefWeb
  • Advancing gender equity and equality and promoting the rights and opportunities of women and girls are priorities for France and the United States. The White House
  • Closing the gender gap in productivity could boost global GDP by US$ 1 trillion and reduce food insecurity for 45 million people. StudyIQ
  • Legal gender recognition reform based on self-declaration will not in itself ensure protection for trans people in Germany from abuse and discrimination. Human Rights Watch
  • The ILO's report outlines India's strategic framework (2023-2027) for decent work and inclusive growth, involving green economy, gender equality, skills development, formalization, and data-driven policies. Think Labor
  • Egypt and the EU will continue to work on their commitments to further promote democracy, fundamental freedoms, and human rights, gender equality and equal opportunities, as agreed in the Partnership Priorities. European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiati
  • OCHA, at least 611,000 women need assistance due to the combined effects of food insecurity, the lack of job opportunities, low purchasing power, and gender-based violence. The New Humanitarian
  • Gender potentially has an influence on the risk factors associated with PE, as women afflicted with PE exhibited a higher propensity for immobility or hormonal treatment in contrast to their male counterparts. BioMed Central
  • The NDPS will be implemented in line with ongoing reforms in Digital Ethiopia 2025 strategy in order to stimulate financial inclusion, create dignified jobs, and promote women's economic participation to narrow the gender financial gap. Your Organization Name
  • Gender-based violence remains pervasive and across the globe, millions of girls remain at risk of child, early, and forced marriage and unions. Plan International

Last updated: 21 July 2024

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