
Global Scans · Good Health and Well-being · Weekly Summary

In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030.
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

  • [New] U.S. veterans represent a special population of men and women who have served their country, many facing extraordinary health risks during their deployments. PubMed Central (PMC)
  • [New] The Perfect Depression Care Initiative in the Henry Ford Health System screens populations at risk, then stratifies patients into acute, high, moderate, and low risk for suicide based on screening, risk factors, and protective factors. PubMed Central (PMC)
  • [New] Sexual assault affects one in three U.S. women and may have lifelong consequences for women's health, including potential barriers to completing cervical cancer screening and more than twofold higher cervical cancer risk. PubMed Central (PMC)
  • [New] The panel discussion emphasized the potential for EU-AU research collaborations to drive innovation and growth in Africa, particularly in areas such as agriculture, health, and technology. EURAXESS
  • [New] EPA states that it is issuing a final determination that risks due to emissions of hazardous air pollutants from the PQBS source category are acceptable and that the current NESHAP provides an ample margin of safety to protect public health. JD Supra
  • [New] The Department of Veterans Affairs expects to be $15 billion short of what it needs to pay for benefits and health care in 2024 and 2025, in part because more veterans are using VA services than expected.
  • [New] The global climate crisis is affecting lives worldwide, threatening human health, disrupting essential services, and jeopardizing livelihoods. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • [New] Under Biden's measures, Venezuelans who enter illegally face a much greater risk of being sent back to Mexico, and Mexican authorities say they are making record numbers of immigration arrests to prevent migrants from reaching the U.S. border in the first place. Washington Post
  • [New] With a 91.67 score, in third Yangon, Myanmar, showed a high risk of identity theft, natural disasters and a poor quality of healthcare services. The Independent
  • [New] The development of the Long-Term Plan for Healthcare in Tasmania 2040 and Clinical Services Profiles has been underpinned by a revision to the Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework. Tasmanian Department of Health
  • [New] Singapore plans to use AI to boost productivity and drive innovation across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and logistics. Financial Horse
  • [New] The World Health Organisation has identified snakebite as a priority in its programme for tackling neglected tropical diseases, and announced a goal of reducing the global burden of snakebite in half by 2030. Yahoo News
  • [New] A New Era in Malaria Control Has Begun with a Vaccination Campaign for Children in Ivory Coast Health workers in Ivory Coast began giving children the latest malaria vaccine on Monday, the beginning of a regional campaign that experts hope might curb the impact of one of Africa's top killers. Centro de estudos estrategicos de Africa
  • [New] The World Health Organization defines obesity - a term that proponents of body positivity say pathologizes fat people - as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.
  • [New] Women face greater risks of violence and aggression in the wider community, with female healthcare workers also facing higher risks of OVA at work. ANMJ
  • [New] For months, fearing that the current version of bird flu had a much higher chance of spreading to humans than previous iterations, experts have pushed for a more aggressive response from U.S. health agencies to reduce human exposure and prevent a potential pandemic. Fortune
  • [New] African oncologists and health ministries will utilize the 55 NCCN guidelines to define regionally appropriate cancer care, and provide a roadmap for implementing best practices and improving care access across sub-Saharan Africa. The White House
  • [New] As the world becomes more reliant on solar power, security incidents at solar farms could cut off the local power flow and financially as well as physically endanger communities that have come to rely on a steady stream of solar power. Spotter Global
  • [New] Through World Hepatitis Day, the need for increasing global vaccination, early diagnosis and access to higher quality of care is highlighted, in ensuring that the WHO target of elimination of viral Hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030 is achieved. Truemeds
  • As technology continues to advance, policymakers and researchers must remain proactive in addressing emerging biosecurity threats to safeguard global health and security. International Defense Security & Technology

Last updated: 21 July 2024

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