

Transform your ability to anticipate, prepare for and shape tomorrow

Systematic methods for innovation, risk, defense & investment management

We now offer you:

Innovation leaders
A very enhanced suite of practical and proven, collaborative innovation methods including ideation, consumer research, product concept development, launch and marketing concept and business case development with pipeline management

Risk managers
Unique future threat assessment and collaborative, monitoring methods including forward risk analysis on countries, markets and products and your ability to constantly assess organizational agility and resistance to managing change

Defense analysts
Template-based, structured techniques to record analysis and monitor activity on emerging trends, weak signals and surprises and to share behind closed doors, develop scenarios, simulate and analyze situations and determine best possible responses and the time to act

Investment managers
Robust, qualitative, methods to better monitor and track the markets to determine when to buy, when to press management for better performance and when to sell

and continue to serve Planners. Marketers, Consultants, Change Agents and Educators.

or contact us for a free demo.
